Framework for Ultramarathon Performance with Guillaume Millet PhD | Koopcast Episode 79

Guillaume Millet is a researcher and athlete. He has contributed immensely to our understanding of ultramarathon performance. 

Gui’s Twitter account : @kinesiologui

Gui’s website:

Gui’s lab: Inter-university Laboratory of Human Movement Biology and

The names of the people who have worked with Gui on ultra studies:

John Temesi, Vincent Martin, Léonard Féasson, Gianluca Vernillo, Thibault Besson, Jean-Benoit Morin, Laurent Gergelé, Grégoire Millet, Marlene Giandolini, Thomas Rupp, Pierrick Arnal, Nicolas Place, Jérémy Rossi, Pierre Samozino, Francis Degache, Samuel Vergès, Philippe Gimenez, Thomas Lapole, Paul Robach, Katja Tomazin, Pascal Edouard, Frederic, Sabater Pastor, Giorgio Varesco, Jerôme Koral, Audrey Parent, Diana Rimaud, Djahid Kennouche, Nicolas Royer, Callum Brownstin, Loic Espeit, Clément Foschia, Laurent Messonnier

The presentation referenced at the beginning of the podcast

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