Research Essentials for Ultrarunning
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Research Essentials For Ultrarunning
Research Essentials for Ultrarunning is a monthly newsletter that provides in-depth coverage and analysis on the most recent research in ultramarthon training.
Real experts
Our editorial team consists of some of the brightest minds in science and coaching.
Actionable takeaways
Each issue will analyze 3-5 papers and is written in plain English that the science community and lay community can understand.
No Hype
We treat the science as it is. Most of it is good, some is not. We call the shots as we see them, unbiased and unfiltered. No sponsors or advertisements, just science.

Our Team
Jason Koop- Lead Author
Coach Koop is one of the most sought after trail and ultramarathon coaches today. His athletes have won numerous races and awards including the Western States 100, UTMB, and Trail Runner of the Year. He is also the Head Coach for CTS-Ultarunning, author of Training Essentials for Ultrarunning and columnist for Ultrarunning Magazine.
Jim Rutberg- Lead Editor
Jim Rutberg has been an athlete, coach, and content creator in the outdoor sports, endurance coaching, and event industries for more than 20 years. He is a New York Times bestselling author and the Media Director and a coach for CTS. Jim has been co-author of several training and sports nutrition books, including Training Essentials for Ultrarunning with Jason Koop, Ride Inside with Joe Friel, and The Time-Crunched Cyclist, The Time-Crunched Triathlete, The Ultimate Ride, Chris Carmichael’s Food for Fitness, Chris Carmichael’s Fitness Cookbook, The Carmichael Training Systems Cyclist’s Training Diary, and 5 Essentials for a Winning Life with Chris Carmichael.
Nick Tiller PhD- Scientific Editor
Nick Tiller (MRes, Ph.D.) is a senior researcher in exercise physiology and respiratory medicine at Harbor-UCLA and associate editor of the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Nick is also the author of The Skeptic’s Guide to Sports Science, which was named one of Book Authority’s “Best Sports Science Books of All Time”. He is also a columnist at both Skeptical Inquirer (“the magazine for science and reason”) and Ultra-Running Magazine.
Stephanie Howe PhD- Scientific Editor
Stephanie Howe is a professional trail and ultrarunner born and raised in Minnesota, currently residing in Annecy, France. Stephanie has a PhD in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology and owns a nutrition business centered on healthy, sustainable nutrition for health and performance. Competitively, Stephanie has won races including Western States 100 and Lake Sonoma 50, and has podium finishes at many other competitive ultra-races. Stephanie is passionate about the outdoors and protecting our earth, and is an active member of Protect Our Winters, where she turns her love for the outdoors into policy
Hilary Matheson soon to be Yang- Illustration and styling
Hilary Matheson is an award-winning photographer, graphic designer, writer, media producer, and ultra runner. She is born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, but now resides in Los Angeles, California, with her partner Billy Yang and rescue mutt Charlie Salami. She is passionate about creating visual content and storytelling that inspire people to get outside and explore the great outdoors for themselves.
Gu Chocolate Outrage Report
Research Essentials for Ultarunning
$9.99/month or $99/year